The most professional provider of chemicals and services

From Molecules to Miracles

About Us​

Dedicated to advancing the field of chemistry to drive innovation and sustainable development.

At Bela Mondo, We have a rich history of excellence and a commitment to quality, we provide a wide range of chemical products and solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of industries worldwide.

Our Mission
Our mission is to leverage cutting-edge chemical technologies to create products that enhance everyday life, promote environmental sustainability, and drive industrial progress. We strive to be a trusted partner in the global market, known for our reliability, innovation, and exceptional customer service.

Innovation and Quality
At Bela Mondo, innovation is at the core of everything we do. Our state-of-the-art research and development facilities enable us to stay ahead of industry trends and develop cutting-edge solutions. We adhere to the highest standards of quality and safety, ensuring that our products meet and exceed customer expectations.

Sustainability Commitment
We are committed to sustainable practices in all aspects of our operations. From sourcing raw materials responsibly to implementing energy-efficient processes, we aim to minimize our environmental footprint and contribute to a greener future.

Join Us on Our Journey
Explore the world of chemistry with Bela Mondo and discover how we can help your business thrive. Together, we can create a brighter, more sustainable future through the power of chemistry.

Our Products​

We are the industry heads and produce the most reliable and trendy solution you are looking for.​


ASA (Alkenyl Succinic Anhydride) is primarily used as a sizing agent to improve the water resistance of paper and paperboard. It reacts with the cellulose fibers in paper to create a hydrophobic surface, which prevents water penetration and enhances the durability of the paper.
PackagingIBC Tote,950kg/tote
Expiration: 1 year


AKD (Alkyl Ketene Dimer) is primarily used as an internal sizing agent in the paper industry. It is added to the paper pulp during the manufacturing process to increase the paper’s resistance to water and other liquids.
PackagingIBC Tote,1000kg/tote
Expiration: 2 year

Retention and Drainage Aid

RDA helps to improve the retention of fine particles in the paper pulp, including fibers, fillers, and chemicals. By increasing retention, it ensures that valuable materials remain in the paper sheet, contributing to its quality and properties.

The only place where you’ll get the perfect solution for all your industry needs.​

Our Contributions​

Industries We Serve!​

Paper Chemicals

Essential compounds for improving paper properties and production efficiency during the papermaking process

Petro Chemicals

Eco-friendly solutions aimed at reducing environmental impact and promoting sustainability.

Environmentally Chemicals

High-performance chemicals for reducing the use of chemicals and environmental pollution during pulping and bleaching processes

Need Help with Easier Industrial Solutions? We Are Experts!​

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